Kendra Burton- Adoption Information

Through my paintings Joseph The Guardian and Colors of Love, and through my own relatives who have adopted, I have a great appreciation for adoption. People have shared adoption miracle stories with me of their own experiences of finding their children through adoption from all parts of the world, or what a miracle it has been that they themselves have been adopted. Regardless of the children’s backgrounds, they are loved by those with Christ-like hearts who make the decision to adopt and accept them as their own.

Joseph the Guardian

Jesus was Joseph’s “adopted” Son. This represents all the fathers and caregivers of those who are not their natural children who love and care for them as their own (read story).

The painting JOSEPH THE GUARDIAN shows adoptive parents that (as Joseph) they have value of great importance. To those who have been adopted, the message is that they have not been forgotten but have a Father In Heaven who watches over them through help from others.

After completing the painting, I showed it to a friend who had adopted several children. One of her young sons had been teased at school about being adopted. She prayed for an answer that he could understand and accept. Being directed to the scriptures, she let them fall open. She began reading and realized it was the story about the birth of Christ. She gained new insight about Joseph caring for Jesus. It had never occurred to her until that moment that the Savior of the world, the greatest and most perfect of all, had an “adopted” father, Joseph. She told this to her son. He was happy and completely satisfied with the answer because it made him feel more like Jesus.

Colors of Love

The love of the Savior extends to all children around the world.

I have several relatives who have many “colors” in their families through marriage or through adoption. A friend of mine adopted an African American child. She knew I was looking for a model for a painting that would represent Christ’s love for all children, to be called THE COLORS OF LOVE. Her little one was a perfect model, with a perfect smile of joy. I also felt that I had been directed to find the right model for Jesus. As he was representing the Savior, he wrapped his arms around the baby. The sun was shining and there was a feeling of sweetness surrounding them. The adoptive mother wanted something that would let her child know that it didn’t matter that she and her child were of different ancestors but that God loves and accepts us all.