Light of the Vine

Our family gathered clusters of white, green, red and purple grapes from our garden. The luminosity and the lusciousness was fascinating as the sun created a beautiful spectrum of colors. This evoked anticipation of the delightful, juicy flavors we were about to experience. Capturing the beauty of the grapes in the sunlight brought feelings of gratitude for the bountiful harvest and I reflected upon the miracle of creation that makes it possible.

Compassionate Christ

Jesus Christ lived his life for each of us and the look in His eyes helps us feel His complete understanding and acceptance. It is as if we would ask Him to stay yet a little longer with us. The warm sepia tones in the painting reflect the firelight setting as He contemplates His earthly journey. May we individually and personally feel the love of a divinely caring, comforting, and Compassionate Christ.

Jesus Heals (Face)

Jesus said, “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28) Sometimes, our lives have many burdens weighing us down. It feels like we carry a huge load of experiences representing all our trials. Picture yourself with the Savoir. His hands reach out for you to place your burdens in them. So one by one you take your heavy cares and concerns and hand them to Him. As they touch His hands the burdens disappear. They are remembered no more and you are free from the weight of the world.

Jesus Heals (Tall)

Jesus said, “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28) Sometimes, our lives have many burdens weighing us down. It feels like we carry a huge load of experiences representing all our trials. Picture yourself with the Savoir. His hands reach out for you to place your burdens in them. So one by one you take your heavy cares and concerns and hand them to Him. As they touch His hands the burdens disappear. They are remembered no more and you are free from the weight of the world.

Jesus Heals

There are times in our lives when we wonder what it will be like to meet The Savior. This painting helps us visualize that moment. He is the great healer and His hands are outstretched in acceptance to heal us. During His ministry He healed many with the touch of His hands. Through His gospel He is ready to heal you.

Poinsettia Passion

Jane’s poinsettia was sitting in her kitchen catching the sunlight on the colorful leaves. I wanted to capture the incredible palette of reds with a “splash” of color the moment I saw it. Now this is one of my favorite paintings.

Jesus Smiles Love

Heaven is a place of joy and happiness.  When we see Jesus again His smile will radiate His joy and His love for us.

Daffodil Duet

My daughter is an amazing gardener. She planted these daffodils on our terrace which are so vibrant in the sunshine. They remind me of my beautiful daughter and also the promise of springtime.

Daffodils and Violets

Daffodils and violets cheer up the day with dashes of color and sunshine! My friend, Gloria, grew these flowers in her garden and arranged them in the white basket. Then she generously sent them my way so they could brighten up my canvas.

Sunlit Bouquet

My son and I had an extra day at Bear Lake after the other family members had gone home. He painted a golden field with late autumn trees and I found an idea in a book which inspired me to paint in a style that was “quick and loose’. Both of us painted into the wee hours of the morning and were pleased with our creations. I will always treasure those moments with my son.

Delicious Fruit

I loved how the sunlight through my kitchen window enhanced the colorful arrangement of fruit in the basket. I tried to capture the vibrancy it resonated in this great collection of delicious fruit.

The Highest Mountain

Mount Borah is the highest mountain in my home state of Idaho. This painting is symbolic of our lives. First, we travel on a road which may turn in unexpected directions and we can’t see around the curve. Then our journey may cause us to descend into the valley of shadows. As we continue in faith on the journey of our lives, and use all of our determination and courage to go on, we advance upward to the highest peak where we see our challenges from a new perspective.

Teton Cathedrals

I grew up a few hours away from the Grand Tetons and have always loved these majestic mountains. I especially liked the palette of colors in this painting with lavenders and blues in this winter scene.

Moraine Lake, Canada

One of the most beautiful places on earth is in the Canadian Rockies. The deep aqua blue Moraine Lake is found in the Valley of the Ten Peaks in Banff National Park. We walked across logs and climbed rugged rocks to get the grand view for the painting.

Tropical Sunset

The original painting is 4 feet by 6 feet and is painted in very vivid colors. The sunset reflects across the peaceful ocean as the soft breeze whispers through the palm trees. It’s a place where we can cast our cares away and relax with the rhythm of the gentle ocean waves.

Colorful Sunset Seascape

The first time I went to Hawaii I was captivated by the colorful sunsets. I saw waves like I had never seen before so it was fascinating and fun to bring all the beautiful elements of nature into a colorful seascape.

Teton Reflections

After taking a workshop with a gifted landscape artist, I was motivated to paint something bigger than the smaller renditions we had done on site. This unique viewpoint shows only the lower portion of the mountains with the higher peaks reflected in the water at Schwabacher Landing outside of Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Joseph the Guardian

Jesus was Joseph’s “adopted” Son. Joseph represents all the fathers and caregivers of those who are not their natural children while they love and care for them as their own.

The Colors of Love

The love of the Savior extends to all children around the world. My friend’s adopted baby was the model for the child and the model for Jesus was found by a “chance” encounter at a store. My 10-year-old daughter told me not to talk to him because he was a “stranger” but I felt impressed to do it, and now, he’s not a stranger any more.

My Peace I Give Unto You

Jesus gave us His promise of peace if we will come unto Him. (This appears on the cover of a book-with the same title- based on the true story of a young girl’s near-death experience, being comforted in the arms of the Savior.)


The title of this painting, “Enlightened”, has a double entendre, or dual meaning. First, the light is coming from the sun, or symbolically, the Son, both giving life. Secondly, the book reflects light onto the face of the reader who also receives “light” as spiritual insights in her search for truth and knowledge.

Remembering the Hollyhocks

Hollyhocks bring back memories of summers and grandmothers. These were growing along Ford’s fence in Wallsburg, Utah. The Pine trees add a deep background to the colorful focal point as the delphiniums, asters and cosmos accent the delightful, summer scene.

Poppy Fields of Mantua

My friend, Karen, and I took what we thought was a wrong turn and found a magical place. Two deer bounded across the meadow and the Russian Olive trees cast their shadows over large fields splashed with poppies. My hand was dwarfed when placed next to the largest poppies I’ve ever seen. What a magnificent vista!

Red Maple Leaves

In the autumn we rode a motorcycle through a canyon to a place where the maple leaves were blazing with reds, oranges and golds. I climbed down the hillside to capture a perfect cluster of these magnificent leaves.

Yellow Green Maple Leaves

When we were visiting our friend RaeAnn’s house, I spotted the maple tree in her front yard. The autumn sunlight was coming through the leaves in an unbelievable glow of lemon yellow-green. I found the perfect section of leaves and tried to capture their splendor.

French Roses

Elegant roses adorn this perfect setting as the sun magnifies their natural beauty.

He Restoreth My Soul

My daughter posed for this painting which portrays the peace that can come from the simple and beautiful moments in our every day lives. Sometimes it may even be the calm in the midst of the storm. (See additional story) Psalms 23 says “…He restoreth my soul”.

Beside Still Waters

My daughter was five when we visited Bear Lake. It had been a difficult time for our family due to health challenges of our infant twins. The time we spent near the lake helped to renew us and we were reminded of the scripture in Psalm 23 where it says “He leadeth me beside the still waters…”

Sunshine and Sails

This impressionistic painting of my niece represents a time when daydreaming of sailboats going to distant places, building sand castles, and catching the gentle wind, highlighted carefree summer days.

Puppy Love

Our first love, our dear pets; never judging, always listening, always loving us. Thanks to my niece who was a beautiful model for this painting.

Pot and Pitcher

I feel this painting has a little more of an “old world” flavor. The copper pot, porcelain pitcher, and ceramic dish presented fun textures to paint. It was more unique for me to use bread and pears as an accent instead of flowers. I like the larger strokes as well in this reminder of past memories.